Bars Missing From Get Refund Status Tax Season 2020
Bars Missing From Get Refund Status Tax Season 2020 Dude, where’s my refund? I assume you are here because your bars disappeared from your Get Refund Status page. I can
I assume you are here because your bars disappeared from your Get Refund Status page. I can share my story with you and hopefully give you some sense of solace. However, I will add the disclaimer of not everyone’s tax situation is the same and your results may vary depending on what forms were submitted with your return. I submitted my return January 27th. Everything was normal. I had the bars displaying that my return was accepted. Then one morning I checked the Get Refund Status page and the bars had disappeared…I thought maybe the site was malfunctioning so I gave it a day and checked the next morning. Now I thought this was intentional and I began to research the issue. Through my Google searches I can across several forums that had horror stories of not getting their refunds until well into June. I expected the worst at that point. I found out that when your bars disappear, it is so someone can manually inspect your return and this can take however long they need in order to review your return and make sure it all is correct.
The lack of visibility was killing me and at certain points I was unable to check the Get Refund Status page because it locks you out after a certain amount of attempts per day. So I relaxed, calmed down, and settled in for what I was expecting to be a long grueling wait for my tax refund. It hadn’t even been the 21 days yet before I could call and I was counting down the days until I could. Luckily Feb 15th a stroke of good luck came my way (or the process just worked the way it was supposed to ;)) My bars came back and I got a refund approval and a direct deposit date!!!! I was very excited needless to say. After this I just had to wait for the direct deposit to my bank account. It was a little over 21 days but I’ll take it. So for those of you that experience this situation, hope for the best but expect the worst. I wish all of your tax returns a speedy delivery into your bank accounts. Good Luck this tax season!
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Bars Missing From Get Refund Status Tax Season 2020 Dude, where’s my refund? I assume you are here because your bars disappeared from your Get Refund Status page. I can
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